Investor Profile:Retirement, Worker, Holiday, Business


Climate:Hours of Sunshine Per Day in SummerDays of Rain Per YearAverage Spring Air Temp.Average Summer Air Temp.Average Autumn Air Temp.Average Winter Air Temp.Average

Water Temp.

Proximity to:AirportBeachNearest City
3 miles (Mahon)0.25 - 2 milesMahon
Educational facilities:No. of UniversitiesNo. of International SchoolsNo. of Private Schools
Health services:No. of Public HospitalsNo. of Private HospitalsNo. of Private Clinics
Shopping:No. of Shopping CentresNo. of Markets
Restaurants and bars:Most bars found in Anden Poniente are near port. The number of restaurants and bars is smaller than on other Balearic Islands, and many restaurants close in off-peak season. Variety of international cuisine available.
Sports and leisure facilities:Horse-riding stables. Speedboats at port. Aero-club with go-kart track, snooker, pool & table tennis tables and a bridge club. Aquarium (at port). Glass bottom boat rides from port. Classical music concerts throughout the year. Organ recitals at Mahon cathedral. Theatre productions at the Teatro Principal. Menorca Cricket Club and International Rotary Club for expatriates. Military museum.
Transport:Public TransportRoads
Regular bus service between Mahon and Ciutadella.1 main road through centre of island between Mahon and Ciutadella.
Crime rate:Low
Main types of employmentTourist sector during peak season. Limited number of foreign workers.
Future plans:Increased size of national parks and marine reserves.
Yield range21.9% - 25.7%
Type of propertyEntry PriceRent-

School Holiday Peak




Off Peak

Average Annual Yield
2 bed apartment133,0001500120072025.7%
3 bed apartment1662501800144086424.7%
3 bed townhouse24937524001920115221.9%
Demand for lettingSchool Holiday PeakPeakOff peak
Finance and leisure scores:Total (out of 10)Financial (out of 5)Leisure (out of 5)
Flights scheduled from:Gatwick, Luton, Stansted, Bournemouth, Bristol, Cardiff, Birmingham, East Midlands, Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds/Bradford, Humberside, Teesside, Newcastle, Glasgow, Edinburgh.
Typical cost of flights:School Holiday PeakPeakOff Peak
Operators:Monarch, Iberia, BA, My Travel, Air2000, Astraeus, Thomas Cook, Excel Airways, Britannia Airways
Description:Mahon is the capital of Menorca- the second largest island in the Balearics. The city is situated on the east coast of the island and has its own port and harbour.

Property consists of mainly low-level buildings of Moorish and British architecture. There are several historical buildings, including the Arch de San Roque, the Town Hall, (built in 1631) and the Church of Santa Maria (rebuilt between 1748 and 1772).

There are relatively few high-rise buildings and the city is more tranquil compared to other Balearic islands. The British are the main foreign purchasers of property in the area, and Menorca has the cheapest property out of all the Balearic Islands.

Although it is a busy resort it is still relatively quiet compared to other Balearic Islands.  Likely tenants will be families looking for a well rounded activity packed holiday.  The great thing about this island is that its cheap to get to.  This has kept a steady flow of tenants into the area all requiring a property for the week or fortnight.  With this increased demand it has led to rental prices shooting up.  As a result fantastic yields are being achieved and good yields, at the very least, will be achievable in the foreseeable future.

Hot Website:
Estate Agents:NameAddressTelWeb
 The Prestige Property GroupNo Address01935 817188
Fax. 01935 817199


 Interealty BalearicsPlaza Santa Ponsa, 4
Local 1 en E-07180,
Santa Ponsa,
Tel: 0034 971 699 545
Fax: 971 699 556
 H & G C Villas & ApartmentSue Harvey-Jones
Barnhouse lodge
Barnhouse lane
Pulborough RH20 2BS
Tel 01798
 Vil-la InmobiliariPlaza del Carmen 3.
07701 Mahon
Menorca Baleares
Tel [0034] 971 36 78 52
Fax [0034] 971 36 85 66
Letting Agents: NameAddress TelWeb
 GW Villa Rentals Limited122 Kimbolton Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire MK41 9DN.01234 344161


 Vil-la InmobiliariPlaza del Carmen 3.
07701 Mahon
Menorca Baleares
Tel [0034] 971 36 78 52
Fax [0034] 971 36 85 66
 H & G C Villas & Apartments


Sue Harvey-Jones
Barnhouse lodge
Barnhouse lane
Pulborough RH20 2BS
Tel 01798