Investor Profile:Retirement, Worker, Holiday, Business


Climate:Hours of Sunshine Per Day in SummerDays of Rain Per YearAverage Spring Air Temp.Average Summer Air Temp.Average Autumn Air Temp.Average Winter Air Temp.Average

Water Temp.

Proximity to:AirportBeachNearest City
7 miles (Palma)0.25 milesPalma
Educational facilities:No. of UniversitiesNo. of International SchoolsNo. of Private Schools
Health services:No. of Public HospitalsNo. of Private HospitalsNo. of Private Clinics
Shopping:No. of Shopping CentresNo. of Markets
Restaurants and bars:Palma and Portal Nous have lots of highly reputable restaurants and bars. A variety of cuisine is available, including local food (mainly seafood, pork and rice).
Sports and leisure facilities:Prestigious yacht club. Nightlife at Portal Nous. Cinema showing weekly English-language films. Classical concerts, plays and ballets performed all year round. Annual Chopin festival.
Transport:Public TransportRoads
Bus service with 22 routes in & around Palma all stopping at Plaza Españato. Trains to Inca and Soller.Main road links from Port de Soller, Port d’Antratx and Manacor. C-713 from Port de Pollenca and Port d’Alcudia.
Crime rate:High
Main types of employmentMostly service sector. Many foreign companies also based in Palma.
Future plans:Very restricted as already very developed.
Yield range28.8% - 33.8%
Type of propertyEntry PriceRent-

School Holiday Peak




Off Peak

Average Annual Yield
2 bed apartment1080001600128076833.8%
3 bed apartment1350001920153692232.4%
3 bed townhouse20250025602048122928.8%
Demand for lettingSchool Holiday PeakPeakOff peak
Finance and leisure scores:Total (out of 10)Financial (out of 5)Leisure (out of 5)
Flights scheduled from:Gatwick, Luton, Stansted, Norwich, Southampton, Bournemouth, Exeter, Bristol, Cardiff, Birmingham, East Midlands, Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds/Bradford, Humberside, Teesside, Newcastle, Glasgow, Glasgow Prestwick, Edinburgh, Aberdeen.
Typical cost of flights:School Holiday PeakPeakOff Peak
Operators:Air Europa, BMI, Iberia, BA, Air-Berlin, Easyjet, My Travel, Futura, Thomas Cook, Excel Airways, Britannia Airways, Monarch, Air Europa, Air2000, Flyjet
Description:Palma is the capital city of Majorca- the largest island of the Balearics situated 93 miles off the east coast of mainland Spain. Palma is located on the coast within the Bay of Palma and over half of the island’s population are believed to live there.

The city is lively, cosmopolitan and English is widely spoken. Sights to see include the Royal Palace (La Almudaina), a Gothic castle (Castillo de Bellver) and a limestone cathedral (la Seo).

The cost of living is high but this also assumes a higher quality of life.  This is bourne out by the high rental values which have led to the astronomical yields possible.  Don’t think these yields will last forever.  Preices will correct which will bring down these yields by around half, so don’t hang about – buy while its cheap!

Unemployment rates are low and therefore job prospects are good.  So if you’re thinking of moving over for good and you happily tend to the services industry then you’ll never be short of a job.  Prospects are also good for the professional sector as there haqs been a trend towards these type of companies locating their Spainish branch here.

Hot Website:
Estate Agents:NameAddressTelWeb
 David Russell-Pedro MesquidaPaseo Maritimo 12, 07014 Palma de Mallorca, MallorcaTel: 0034 9 71 73 40 73

Fax: 0034 9 71 45 15 65

Not disclosed
 Taylor-Woodrow de Espana, S.A.Calle Aragon 223-223 A, 07008 Palma de Mallorca, MallorcaTel: 0034 9 71 70 65 70

Fax: 0034 9 71  70 65 65

Not disclosed
 Roberto Jaime GourlayApartado 1423,
Palma De Mallorca
tel: 0034 971681873
fax: 0034 971680320
website: http://www.mallorca-real-estate email:
 Sea GreenCala Bona
Palma de Mallorca
Not disclosedwebsite: email:
Letting Agents: NameAddress TelWeb
tel: 0034 971676787
fax: 0034 971676567
website: http://www.europa-inmobiliaria. email: europa@europa-inmobiliaria.comcom
 ARKO INMOBILIARIOAvda. Son Rapinya, nº 8 1º C
Palma de Mallorca
tel: 0034 619226688 /971453689
fax: 0034 971457900