Investor Profile:Retirement, Worker, Holiday, Business


Climate:Hours of Sunshine Per Day in SummerDays of Rain Per YearAverage Spring Air Temp.Average Summer Air Temp.Average Autumn Air Temp.Average Winter Air Temp.Average

Water Temp.

Proximity to:AirportBeachNearest City
17.5 miles (Girona)0.25 miles17.5 miles (Girona)
Educational facilities:No. of UniversitiesNo. of International SchoolsNo. of Private Schools
Health services:No. of Public HospitalsNo. of Private HospitalsNo. of Private Clinics
Shopping:No. of Shopping CentresNo. of Markets
Restaurants and bars:Nearly 100 restaurants, including Catalan, Dutch, French, German, Mexican and other international cuisine.
Sports and leisure facilities:Martial arts clubs. 4 gyms. Tennis clubs. Water-skiing, windsurfing and parasailing courses. Calella south of Blanes annually holds Calella Activa- sport and cultural activities during summer, and a beer festival in October. Nearby Marineland complex with dolphin shows. Botanical gardens. Casino between Blanes and Lloret de Mar.
Transport:Public TransportRoads
Train service from Barcelona every 30 minutes and Portbou. Trains run every 30 minutes to Barcelona and every 2 hours to Girona.A-19 and A-7 motorways from Barcelona to Blanes. N-II motorway from inland to Blanes. Palamos to Blanes along the coast.
Crime rate:Medium
Main types of employmentLow unemployment rates in Catalonia.
Future plans:None
Yield range19.0% - 22.2%
Type of propertyEntry PriceRent-

School Holiday Peak




Off Peak

Average Annual Yield
2 bed apartment9740095076045622.2%
3 bed apartment121750114091254721.3%
3 bed townhouse1826251520121673019.0%
Demand for lettingSchool Holiday PeakPeakOff peak
Finance and leisure scores:Total (out of 10)Financial (out of 5)Leisure (out of 5)
Flights scheduled from:Gatwick, Heathrow, Luton, Stansted, Bristol, Cardiff, Newquay, Plymouth, Birmingham, East Midlands, Newcastle, Teesside, Isle of Man, Manchester, Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Inverness, Belfast City, Belfast International, Guernsey, Jersey, Leeds/Bradford
Typical cost of flights:School Holiday PeakPeakOff Peak
Operators:BA, Iberia, Air2000, Thomas Cook, Britannia Airways, My Travel
Description:Located on the most southern part of Costa Brava at the foot of Mount St. Joan, Blanes is a holiday resort particularly popular with Spanish holidaymakers of all ages.

Important monuments in the area include Saint Joan tower, Vescomtes de Cabrera church and El Vilar chapel. Blanes has a range of amenities, including 4 km of shingle beaches and a commercial centre with all the shops you need. The resort combines these modern facilities with the traditional feel of a Mediterranean fishing town. There is the Cuban Habaneras Festival (folksong concerts) during summer and the annual firework contest in July.

Property is considered cheap, and there has been an increase in the number of foreign purchasers.  Captial growth is very likely as the only way is up!  Many of the residential developments are set in pine forests. As a bonus the cost of living is also cheap, although it does increase in the Summer – but you cant have everything!

Hot Website:
Estate Agents:NameAddressTelWeb
 The Prestige Property GroupNo Address01935 817188
Fax. 01935 817199


 Fincas FustéA.P.I. nº453
Carrer Colom, 14
17300 Blanes
Tel. (00 34) 972 35 45 36 Fax (00 34) 972 35 45 18


 Casa del Mar8 Portland Place, Pritchard Strret, Bristol, BS2 8RHTel: 0870 429 4827

Fax: 0870 429 4828

Not disclosed
 DLR Properties Overseas5 Manor Parade, Brightlingsea, Colchester, Essex CO7 0UDTel: 01206 303049

Fax: 01206 306090

Not disclosed
Letting Agents: NameAddress TelWeb
 Tossa de marC. / Capità Mestres s/n Tossa de Mar
tel: 0034 97234 2815
fax: 0034 972342641
website: email: