Investor Profile:Retirement, Worker, Holiday, Business


Climate:Hours of Sunshine Per Day in SummerDays of Rain Per YearAverage Spring Air Temp.Average Summer Air Temp.Average Autumn Air Temp.Average Winter Air Temp.Average

Water Temp.

Proximity to:AirportBeachNearest City
6 miles (Arrecife)0.25 miles9 miles (Arrecife)
Educational facilities:No. of UniversitiesNo. of International SchoolsNo. of Private Schools
Health services:No. of Public HospitalsNo. of Private HospitalsNo. of Private Clinics
Shopping:No. of Shopping CentresNo. of Markets
Restaurants and bars:Fast-food, Mexican, Italian, Chinese, Indian, etc. and also local cuisine. Live music bars in La Avendida Maritima and El Centro Atlantico. Quieter bars in Vardero.
Sports and leisure facilities:Ana Segunda sport fishing. 3 scuba-diving centres. Deep-sea fishing. Horse-riding and golf courses in nearby towns. Parascending club. Tamaran and Megafun jeep safari tours. Rancho Texas Park with attractions and animals. Casino. Classical music concerts and recitals in old town.
Transport:Public TransportRoads
Bus services to Teguise market and Arrecife, where can get connecting buses to rest of island.Motorway from Playa Blanca. Also main road from north of island.
Crime rate:Low
Main types of employmentTourist sector.
Future plans:Limited to preserve nature.
Yield range7.5% - 8.8%
Type of propertyEntry PriceRent-

School Holiday Peak




Off Peak

Average Annual Yield
2 bed apartment1720006635303188.8%
3 bed apartment2150007966363828.4%
3 bed townhouse32250010618495097.5%
Demand for lettingSchool Holiday PeakPeakOff peak
Finance and leisure scores:Total (out of 10)Financial (out of 5)Leisure (out of 5)
Flights scheduled from:Gatwick, Heathrow, London City, Luton, Stansted, Bristol, Cardiff, Exeter, Newquay, Plymouth, Bournemouth, Southampton, Birmingham, East Midlands, Humberside, Newcastle, Teesside, Blackpool, Isle of Man, Liverpool, Manchester, Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Inverness, Prestwick, Belfast City, Belfast International, Dublin, Guernsey, Jersey, Norwich, Leeds/Bradford
Typical cost of flights:School Holiday PeakPeakOff Peak
Operators:BA, SpanAir, Astraeus, Thomas Cook, Monarch, My Travel, Air 2000, Britannia Airways, Excel Airways
Description:Puerto del Carmen is a resort situated near the capital of Lanzarote, Arrecife. It is the largest and liveliest resort on the island with several beaches stretched over 3 miles, a variety of shops and a thriving nightlife. As well as having a golden sandy beach there is also an old town which has plenty to see.

This area enjoys a mild dry climate all year round so it is always in demand.  In demand from both people wishing to live here and from people wishing to holiday here to. It is particularly popular with young singles and couples. There is an established long term rental market so this area would suit anyone wishing to buy a home with the intention of residing in it in the future, say 5 to 10 years away.

The local property market is healthy and the area is constantly being developed. However this should soon reach a peak so demand for new properties will be high.

Hot Website:
Estate Agents:NameAddressTelWeb
 Cactus ConsultingCalle Juan Carlos 1,26, C.C. la Curva, Local 2, Puerto del Carmen, LanzaroteTel: 0034 9 28 51 51 84

Fax: 0034 9 28 51 22 02

Not disclosed
 Inversiones Timanfaya Real EstateAvda. De al Playas 1-L2A, 35510 Puerto del Carmen, LanzaroteTel: 0034 9 28 59 62 20

Fax: 0034 9 28 51 48 01

Not disclosed
 Freedom 4 Sale SpainAntigua Sala de Proyeccion, Antigua Cine de Teguise, Calle Notes 15, Teguise 35530, Lanzarote(00 34) 9 28 84 59 44

Fax: (00 34) 9 28 84 59 36


Letting Agents: NameAddress TelWeb
 Realizaciones Inmobiliarias Canarias, S.A.Av. Jablillo, s/n Teguise0034 928590296Not disclosed
 RAO Estate.C. Botánico, local 57
35100 San Fernando de Maspalomas
Gran Canaria - España
0034 639 778 338
0034 928 76 48 37


 Grupo Vesua, S.L.C/ Drago, 48
Gáldar (Gran Canaria)
Tel: 0034 928 89 71 05

Fax: 0034 928 55 11 53